
Nutrition Tips For Runners

Nutrition Tips For Runners

Nutrition tips for runners can be broad enough to include all types of runners from the casual runner to the marathon runner. That’s because good nutrition is universal. However, some nutritional information or specific food or eating suggestions are just for the marathon runner to help him or her overcome the fatigue that can occur near the end of the race, when the glycogen stored in the muscles become depleted. Good training that includes pacing helps, but you also need good nutrition to have your body in peak condition.

Body fat slows you down.

You wouldn’t normally think of a marathon runner as having excess body fat, but statistics show that even one extra pound of body fat can cause the runner to add a minute to their times. That means distance runner need to shed the dead weight and be in the low range of acceptable body fat. Eating healthy meals and carefully monitoring your diet will help achieve the distance and time you desire.

Sports drinks may impede your body’s adaptation to muscle glycogen depletion.

Sports drinks have a place in marathon training, just not at every session. Long tough runs lasting longer than two hours require the benefits of the drink, but shorter, less strenuous ones may not. In fact, one recommendation is to drink them only every other workout if the training session is more than an hour but less than two hours and not necessary at all for vigorous runs under an hour or easy runs up to 90 minutes. Having a sports drink available all the time doesn’t allow your body to adapt and become more effective at burning fat. Muscle glycogen depletion is necessary for that to happen.

Add fat loading before a race in addition to carbo loading.

A high fat, low carbohydrate diet isn’t good for training, but high fat before the pre-race carbo loading can be beneficial. Two weeks before a race, start a diet that provides 65 percent of the calories from fat for ten days, then switch to a high carbohydrate diet for the remaining three days before the race. This short-term high fat diet can help your body improve the fat burning ability and the carbo loading improves the muscle glycogen reserves. This type of diet was tested by Vicki Lambert on the endurance of long distance cyclists and found it improved their performance dramatically compared to a traditional diet followed by carbo loading. Make sure the fat you choose is healthy fat from avocados, salmon, nuts, cheese and eggs for example.

  • Try beet juice instead of water when you train. You might find it’s an excellent drink to keep you hydrated and improve your performance. Studies show that drinking a half liter a few hours before the marathon helps.
  • Stay hydrated but don’t force yourself to drink a specific amount. Drinking as you become thirsty is the best method.
  • Try switching out foods to seek healthier choices. Consider kefir instead of yogurt for a probiotic choice or matcha instead of green tea. Teff is a great gluten free alternative.
  • Steer clear of sugars, alcohol and avoid making any dietary changes the day of the race. That’s not the time to experiment with new ideas.

For more information, contact us today at The Running Warrior

Find The Marathon That's Right For You

Find The Marathon That’s Right For You

The marathon that’s right for you may be held locally or miles away from you, but it’s always one that meets with certain factors, which may include how you train and even your location. You may want to enter a smaller marathon for your first one, or love the competitive factor and excitement offered at huge marathons, such as the TCS New York City Marathon that’s currently the largest in the world and attracts as many as 2 million spectators.

Weather conditions are important.

If you’re not a cold weather runner, entering a race where the temperature is normally below freezing won’t be your cup of tea. For those who get warm fast and need to limit their running in hot weather, running a marathon in southern Nevada or Arizona in August isn’t wise. It takes more than just knowing average weather. You need to get as much information as possible, including the weather along the course, which could dip down if the terrain turns mountainous or heat up in a treeless desert stretch.

Even if everything is perfect, training time is important.

Maybe you just heard about the perfect race that has everything you have on your bucket list, unfortunately, you won’t have nearly the outdoor training time you need due to inclement weather in your location or it’s on the heels of another big race you just entered that is sure to leave you tired. Other problems with timing is lack of shorter events locally to help get you ready for the big race or even a deadline that’s too close to get into shape for your peak performance.

An exotic location sounds great until you consider all the problems and hassle.

Going to an exotic location for a big race may sound fantastic, but sometimes the planning and organizing may be more than you want to handle. Exotic places mean new types of foods, different time zones and even some jet lag, so you need to have plenty of time to adjust. It may require you to get all the shots and papers necessary for international travel and make arrangements for someone to take care of things back home. If you’re an old pro at marathons, have plenty of time and don’t mind the hassle, it might be a good choice, but for most people something closer to home would be better.

  • Don’t enter a marathon that’s longer than you’ve ever mastered in practice. That might seem self-evident, but it sometimes happens. People think they can “go the extra mile” but never test themselves before they enter.
  • See if the terrain is similar to your runs and what you want. If you want challenging terrain, you’ll be disappointed with a level smooth run. Mountainous runs will challenge and disappoint anyone that only runs on the relatively flat streets of the city.
  • Do your homework. Before you enter any marathon, gather as much information on the terrain, climate, size and distance as you can. All information has the potential of being useful.
  • Talk to someone who has been in the marathon and ask for their opinion and help.

For more information, contact us today at The Running Warrior

Does Drinking Water Cause Cramps When Running?

Does Drinking Water Cause Cramps When Running?

One of the most often asked questions is whether drinking water can cause cramps when running. The answer isn’t a simple yes or no. First, you have to consider the type of cramps, legs or stomach and next consider all the circumstances surrounding the cramps. You need to be well hydrated, particularly if you’re running on a hot day. Dehydration is the runner’s enemy. You don’t have to be a runner, or any type of athlete for that to be true.

When you drink water makes a difference.

You need to hydrate well before you start running. While some places recommend you don’t drink the water right before running, but do it two hours before, it’s a myth. It won’t cause side stitches if you’re warm-up properly. In fact, not drinking adequate amounts of water is far more dangerous and can lead to dehydration or heat stroke. You also need to drink fluids while running and after running.

Don’t guzzle.

One of the biggest causes of stomach cramps for runners is gulping large amounts of water while they run. Sipping frequently is the best choice. Because you’ll be running in a variety of different temperatures, speeds and humidity levels, obeying your thirst is important. The faster you run, the more fluid you need. The amount varies between six to eight ounces every twenty minutes and four to six ounces every 20 minutes. Mouth dryness and thirst should alert you to sip water. Drinking too much at once will cause stomach cramps.

Dehydration, rather than drinking too much water could be the culprit of those leg cramps.

You’re running hard and worry about cramping up because of too much water when you run, so you wait until you can’t take it any longer and take a few sips of water. Suddenly you feel leg cramps. The water must be the culprit, right? That’s not true. You may have waited too long to hydrate and are suffering the consequences, over worked your muscles or lack calcium or other minerals. Lack of water, not drinking water causes cramps.

  • If you’re working out over 90 minutes, a sports drink with electrolytes helps.
  • Be prepared for a run by having water easily accessible. You can carry it in your hand if necessary, but there are inexpensive fluid carriers too.
  • If you’re drinking a sports drink, keep the carbohydrate percentage lower than 10 percent. Any higher and it can promote stomach cramps.
  • Make sure you consider your environment. If your weather is hot, it just makes more sense that you’ll need to hydrate more frequently than you would in cold weather.

For more information, contact us today at The Running Warrior

Do Your Shoes Matter?

Do Your Shoes Matter?

For all runners, finding the right shoes matters. Whether you’re a weekend warrior just enjoying a brisk run, a racing champion or running for fitness only, not for speed, you’ll benefit from having the shoes that will protect you from injury and make running comfortable. Your shoes dictate the interaction of your feet and ultimately your body with the ground. The slight change from one shoe to another changes that and affects your stride.

Sticking with the same style of shoes for years isn’t always the best.

People’s feet change, just as their weight, flexibility, balance, muscle strength, running efficiency, speed and stride. There is no lifelong perfect prescription for running shoes…anymore than there is a lifelong prescription for glasses. Your body changes over time. Even if you wear the best possible shoes recommended especially for you by the specialty stores, that doesn’t mean you’ll get the best performance from an identical pair years later.

Make sure your shoes fit.

When looking for the perfect shoe for your running needs, specialty stores consider six different points for fit, besides assessing whether there are any special needs. The heel, width, instep, length and flex can be done when you’re sitting or standing, but the actual feel of the shoe needs more investigation, so many of these stores have a treadmill where you test it. Your shoes should feel comfortable and provide support for your stride, but not change it.

Consider getting several different pairs of shoes.

Many studies show that running in several different styles of shoes can make a difference in the number of injuries you sustain. Each shoe has it’s own way it allows your foot to interact with the ground. If you use the same shoe continuously, you’ll be working the same muscles in the same way continuously, leaving yourself prone to repetitive stress injuries. Switching shoes not only works out new muscle tissue and connective tissue to build strength, it reduces the potential for injury.

  • When buying shoes, the time of day you shop makes a difference. Your feet swell slightly as the day wears on and reach peak swelling at around four in the afternoon. Shop then for shoes.
  • Don’t buy shoes just because you like the looks. When it comes to running, the most fashionable shoes are the ones that fit well.
  • The right shoes won’t make you run faster, but will protect your feet, making you feel faster and run further by protecting your stride. Practice and good training makes you run faster.
  • Replace old shoes after running 300 to 400 miles. Old shoes may have lost their cushioning ability that absorbs the shock of running and are one of the leading causes of injury for runners.

For more information, contact us today at The Running Warrior

Want To Be Faster?

Want To Be Faster?

You can be faster, but you need to focus first on your overall fitness level and how efficiently you use your muscles. While most runners don’t look like body builder, they’re muscle machines too. In fact, of the over 600 muscles in the body, a runner will use almost all of them. So, overall fitness is important, particularly if you want to do your best in a race or become a top contender. Working out with a personal trainer not only improves your overall fitness, it can help you run faster and more efficiently, while training all your muscles to work together.

Teach your body to achieve the maximum oxygen uptake.

VO2max or maximum oxygen uptake is that amount of oxygen your body can use in one minute. The more oxygen you can intake, the faster you can run. However, that’s only part of the picture. How fast you’re running when you hit your maximum is important. Running or doing interval training at your maximum potential increases that maximum, just as lifting a weight that’s at your maximum limit increases that limit and your strength.

Doing drills can help you run more efficiently.

Drills, such as hops, Russian kicks and skips can do so much to help your muscles work together efficiently. It’s more than just running, it’s training the communication from the brain to the legs and back to the brain. Drills also strengthen and train more than the muscles, they aid the joints in building strength to improve your speed. They also help you become more coordinated and agile. Many of the drills used to improve a runner’s speed are also great warm-ups to use before a race.

Proper form can save energy.

Everything counts when it comes to endurance and speed, especially your form. If your hands are swinging across your body, you’re wasting valuable energy you could be using to win the race. A huge benefit of having a coach or trainer is that you have an observer who can spot many of the wasted movements and help you improve your form.

Don’t forget to warm up to the max before training hard or racing. Roll out before a race, just like you would after one to maximize your warm-up.

Check your footwear frequently and don’t skimp when it comes to shoes. Having adequate foot support is important, particularly if you’re running on concrete. Most sneakers will give you 300 to 500 miles of use.

Alternate your pace to build endurance and speed. Fartleks, alternating between jogs and sprints, help you boost both endurance and speed.

Work on core muscles for overall fitness and strength.

  • Start slowly and pick up the pace the more your body becomes acclimated to the hot weather. Going at top speed on the first super hot day will only get you in trouble.
  • Know when your body is signaling you to quit. Sometimes, you have to work through the misery, but not if it’s super hot and you’re risking your health. Know when to call it a day or train less vigorously.
  • Don’t coffee up before you run. Caffeinated drinks act like diuretics and increase your urine output. That can lead to dehydration quickly.
  • Know the signs of heat illness. If you’re cramping, have a headache, feel dizzy or disoriented you need to get out of the heat immediately. Know all the signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

For more information, contact us today at The Running Warrior

Summer Running Tips

Summer Running Tips

When the summer sun is blazing down on the earth, many people think they have to give up running until it cools down, but that could be weeks. These summer running tips will keep you safely training and enjoying your run. You still have to take precautions and insure you follow extra steps to keep you safe and healthy, but the sun doesn’t have to be your enemy and running in the summer can become one of your favorite types of exercise.

The time of day you run is important.

Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the noon day sun. That saying actually came from the time when England was colonizing India. The local people knew enough to go inside after ten in the morning until early afternoon, but the English, used to their cloudier and cooler climate, remained in full dress uniform outside in the sun. If you’re running in the summer, make it when the sun ISN’T at its highest. Run in the morning before ten or in the late afternoon after four when it’s cooler if morning isn’t possible.


Water is your best friend in the summer, whether you’re a runner or not. The more you sweat, the more chance you have of dehydrating. If it’s windy, you may not even notice the perspiration, but feel cool and comfortable. Eight ounces of water every 15 to 20 minutes is one estimate of the amount of water you need. Some estimates go as low as eight ounces every hour. Drink frequently, even if you don’t feel thirsty.

Dress appropriately.

You may want to wear a hat in the summer to shade your eyes or protect your skin from UV rays, but you’re better off wearing sunblock and sunglasses. Heat is lost through the top of the head. That’s why hats are so important in the winter. The reverse is true in the summer. You want to release as much heat as possible. When choosing running wear, choose loose, light-colored clothing that’s preferably made from newer sports synthetics.

  • Start slowly and pick up the pace the more your body becomes acclimated to the hot weather. Going at top speed on the first super hot day will only get you in trouble.
  • Know when your body is signaling you to quit. Sometimes, you have to work through the misery, but not if it’s super hot and you’re risking your health. Know when to call it a day or train less vigorously.
  • Don’t coffee up before you run. Caffeinated drinks act like diuretics and increase your urine output. That can lead to dehydration quickly.
  • Know the signs of heat illness. If you’re cramping, have a headache, feel dizzy or disoriented you need to get out of the heat immediately. Know all the signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

For more information, contact us today at The Running Warrior

Visualization Coaching

Visualization Coaching

If you’ve never heard about visualization coaching for sports, and in this case, I mean running, its building a mental image of the race for practice. It’s not a magical cure all, but good healthy practice to face some of the pitfalls of the race. Your body works with your mind when you’re moving it by running or exercising. However, you mind can be a powerful tool to help you maximize your winning potential. Visualizing a race for a few minutes a day can help you get through the pitfalls and make it to the finish line faster than other competitors.

Visualization won’t make you a great athlete, but it can bring out your greatness.

If you don’t train at all, but simply visualize racing, you may make some stride, but nothing that’s race worthy. However, if you train physically with dedication and persistence, visualizing the course and the win can help you get the edge. You don’t have to be a world class athlete to use it to your advantage, either. It can help you run further and faster no matter what your level of expertise.

Great champions have often talked about the mysterious mental factor that helped them reach their goal.

Muhammad Ali said, “”Champions aren’t made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them – a desire, a dream, a vision.” Mark Plaatjes, gold medal winning runner practiced visualization until he knew every inch of the course and mental overcame every possible pitfall and scenario. During the actual race, he raced with confidence because of his mental preparation, taking the gold medal. Bruce Lee, world famous Martial Arts expert, provided this thought provoking quote, “As you think, so shall you become.” It’s true of any sport. Visualizing everything from possible problems to winning the race can help you prepare.

It’s just as important to be mentally prepared as it is to be physically prepared.

The mental side of any athletic competition plays an important role. If you’re not mentally tough, you won’t have the extra push to get through the pain and exhaustion of the final leg of the race. Learning how to extend your limits and run through exhaustion can come with practicing mentally. Visualizing yourself running the distance and making it past the finish line can help you mentally prepare.

  • You need to visualize both the good and the bad in order to get your best results. Visualizing the potential pitfalls and ways to overcome them will help you just as much as seeing yourself victorious.
  • Visualization can help you boost your confidence to provide a edge for winning.
  • Be specific in your visualizations. Experience the wind or sun, see what you’re wearing, even notice how many people are in the race. The more specific you can be, the better the experience.
  • Visualization can help you stay focused during the race. You’ll already have experienced many of the pitfalls by visualizing, so you’ll know exactly what to do.

For more information, contact us today at The Running Warrior

Run Like A Warrior

Run Like A Warrior

If you want to run like a warrior, you need to have the heart of a champion and be willing to put in extra time it takes to train. What you’ll get in return is a feeling of accomplishment and a far healthier body. Running can be done almost anywhere, so you don’t need special equipment. What you do need is preparation and dedication to maximize your workout benefits.

Eat healthier for a huge advantage.

You need to fuel your body properly to get the most out of it. Eating healthier isn’t dieting. In fact, it’s non-dieting. Dieting is restrictive and always ends, either in success or failure. At that point you go back to your old eating habits that kept you from doing your best. Instead, learning how to make wiser food choices is the only way to achieve the best fuel for your body and you can do it forever without suffering or feeling deprived.

Preparing for the race is more than running.

You’ll want to work on other types of exercises besides just running, in order to be at your best. Strength training can play an important role in your fitness, so working with calisthenics created especially for runners and lifting can be important. Core training is also good to keep you in shape whether it’s during off-season, pre-season or competition time. To insure you don’t run out of gas on long marathons, doing some extra cardio training helps.

Make sure you do each exercise correctly and the right combination for the best results.

One of the biggest disappointments to runners is to suffer an injury before running season. Injuries can set you back for weeks or months and even prevent you from competing. Using the services of a personal trainer, you’ll learn how to do each exercise correctly, while also learning excellent ways to warm up and cool down. Identifying improper technique in running is also important and a trainer can often spot it easier.

  • Taking up running is more than just a healthy physical exercise, it’s also a wonderful mental release that burns off the hormones created by stress.
  • You don’t have to compete to appreciate the healthy workout you get from running and the way it helps you lose weight for a slimmer silhouette.
  • A real winner at running only compares his or her milestone with the next run. You can’t compare your time with other runners, just with yourself to see improvement.
  • No matter how demanding family obligations or busy your schedule, making sure you take time to exercise and run is important. If you need to justify that time, think of it as a way to stay healthier for your job, family and friends.

Running Times Masters

By Marc Bloom

Sonja Friend-Uhl, who has won 22 national masters’ championships in road, track and cross-country since turning 40 in 2011, has no problem running fast. She just has to find the time to do it.

Friend-Uhl celebrated her 44th birthday in March on the weekend of the 2015 USATF Masters Indoor Championships in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Friend-Uhl, who lives in Brentwood, Tennessee, outside Nashville, with her husband and two daughters, swept the women’s 40-44 800, mile and 3,000 meters. In the 3k, Friend-Uhl triumphed by 55 seconds in 9:50.37 to set an American masters indoor 40-44 record.

Friend-Uhl, who won the World Masters Championships 40-44 800 and 1500 when the meet was held in Sacramento, California, in the summer of 2011, set a world masters 40-44 indoor mile record of 4:44.81 in 2012 and an American masters outdoor 1500 record, 4:16.99, that same year.

While Friend-Uhl has risen to prominence as a middle-distance specialist on the track, half of her national masters’ titles have come on the road and in cross-country, in distances ranging from the 5k to the half-marathon. She has also run two marathons, both in Florida where she used to live, with a 2:49 PR. “I prefer the intensity of the track,” she says.

Seeking intensity wherever she could find it, Friend-Uhl traveled to Japan in 1992 for the Lifesaving World Championships. She won the 2k Beach Run and was named World Champion in the event. She won it again in 1998, this time in New Zealand. That gives Friend-Uhl major titles on four running surfaces: track, road, turf and sand—surf and turf, if you will.

A hallmark of Friend-Uhl’s repertoire is her speed. As recently as last year, at 43, she ran the 800 in 2:10.79.and split 61.12 on a 4 x 400 relay. The U.S. 40-44 record is 2:07.57, by Alisa Harvey, who did it at 41. In early June, at the Music City Distance Festival in Nashville, Friend-Uhl planned to go after Harvey’s 40-44 outdoor mile record of 4:46.29.

Friend-Uhl has been racing non-stop for close to 30 years. She was a state champion in high school in Delaware, a collegiate star at William & Mary and, as a professional, a member of six U.S. national teams competing abroad. For the most part, they were far-flung events, like “Ekiden” relays in China, Japan and Korea. Another was the first IAAF world road racing championship, a 20k in Hungary, in 2006.

On one of her Ekiden trips, to Beijing, in 2005, Friend-Uhl and her American teammates went out for a run on the morning of their flight home. They got lost and wound up in a remote town, where shocked villagers berated them with threatening gestures. The chastened U.S. women dropped their pace to 6 minutes a mile making a getaway. With Friend-Uhl’s direction as the elder of the team–“My motherly instincts kicked in,” she said–the athletes found their way back safely, but not before finishing with an extended 14-miler. They all made it to the airport on time.

That flair under duress was a taste of Friend-Uhl’s typical balancing act. In addition to her daily workouts, and parenting two daughters, she puts in 20 to 25 hours a week as Physical Wellness Director of Cool Springs MD, a Nashville area wellness center, and travels the country as a Lead Trainer for Star Tracks, a fitness equipment manufacturer based in Vancouver, Washington. In addition, Friend-Uhl, who competes for the Atlanta Track Club, does private coaching for select on-line clients, while coaching a number of runners in person as well. She’s also a volunteer assistant at Vanderbilt University, mentoring the women’s track and cross-country runners.

“I’ve always had tremendous drive,” Friend-Uhl said as she prepared to get her outdoor track season rolling. Even in high school–I was in the band, choir and student government. I ran track, played basketball.”

Nowadays, while every second counts for Friend-Uhl on the track, every minute counts in her day or week. In March, she achieved her masters’ indoor track triple while suffering with a sinus infection. “I know I have to be careful not to drive myself into the ground,” she says. “But I feel most ‘alive’ when I’m pushing myself.”

It’s no wonder that at times Sonja and her husband, Brad Uhl, who works for the Department of Justice, have to call in emergency reinforcements–Sonja’s mom from Florida or Brad’s mom from Pennsylvania–to help with daughters Brianna, 13, and Alexa, 6.

Friend-Uhl—part Polish, Irish and Native American–has an array of certification degrees in health, fitness and nutrition. She never misses an opportunity to multi-task. On a trip to Atlanta for Brianna’s volleyball tournament, Sonja scooted over to Georgia Tech for a track workout: 3 sets of 1 mile and 400 with a lap jog recovery between each run. She averaged 5:35 in the miles and 66 seconds in the 400s.

In 2000, at 29, Friend-Uhl had her best year. She achieved her lifetime PRs of 2:06.4 in the 800 and 4:13.9 in the 1500. With her 4:16.99 1500 in 2012, Friend-Uhl has only slowed 3 seconds in 12 years, from 29 to 41. How many top milers, male or female, could equal that record of “agelessness”?

Friend-Uhl recognizes that, reaching her mid-40s, she walks a fine line between ambition and reality. After outstanding 2011 and 2012 seasons, she lost valuable time in 2013 to recurrent injury. “I can be my own worst enemy,” says Friend-Uhl, who trains 45 to 50 miles a week. “Not just in workouts but in going overboard in races and losing my focus.”

To help control her zeal, and get relief from the pressures of designing her own program, Friend-Uhl this year enlisted the services of former pros Andrew and Amy Begley, the Atlanta Track Club coaches. The Begleys have already been a big help, says Friend-Uhl. Early in the spring, while still recovering from her illness, Sonja was itching to hop a plane to California for the Carlsbad 5,000. Andy talked her out of it.

This summer, in addition to competing in the USA masters outdoor nationals in Jacksonville, Florida, Friend-Uhl was hoping to run the women’s masters 3,000-meter “exhibition” at the USA Nationals, June 25 to 28, in Eugene, Oregon. She’ll be aiming for the American 40-44 record of 9:27.45 set by Carmen Troncoso in 2000.

“I really appreciate the masters,” says Friend-Uhl. “We celebrate what we do and embrace one another. By pushing me, my opponents help me discover a better version of myself.” #

Leading up to USA Masters Nationals Indoor Track & Field Championships, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, March 20-22, in which Friend-Uhl won the women’s 40-44 800 meters, mile and 3,000 meters, setting U.S. 40-44 indoor 3k record of 9:50.37.

Week Starting March 9, 2015

8 miles easy plus strength/core circuit

5 miles easy plus 5 x 100m strides

2-mile warm-up; 3 sets of 500, 300, 300, 200, 200 with 600 jog recovery between sets.
Times for 500s: 85 to 88 seconds. Times for 300s: 48 to 49 seconds. Times for 200s: 30-31 seconds. 2-mile cool-down. Plus strength/core circuit.

6 miles easy

5 miles easy plus 5 x 100m strides

2-mile warm-up; 4 sets of 1000 in 3:07 to 3:11 with 600 jog recovery between runs; 2-mile cool-down. Plus strength/core circuit.


Week Starting March 16, 2015

5 miles easy plus strength/core circuit

5 miles easy plus 5 x 100m strides

2-mile warm-up; 6 x 300 in 55 to 56 seconds and 6 x 100; 3 x strides; 1-mile cool-down. Plus strength/core circuit.

3 miles easy plus 5 x 100m strides

USA masters indoor 3,000 meters, 1st place 40-44, U.S. record, 9:50.37

USA masters indoor mile, 1st place 40-44, 5:03.06

USA masters indoor 800 meters, 1st place, 40-44, 2:17.42